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Important amino acids are necessary protein components for the proper functioning of the body that must necessarily be taken with the di...
Some refer to Aloe Vera as the First Aid plant. The use of this plant, with astringent and analgesic properties, dates back to time immem...
How to prevent the cold? Some tips to avoid getting a cold Winter and spring are the times of the year when it is more common to catc...
It is to mention the word vacation and our mind is flooded with idyllic images: beach, walks, nights out, hours of rest with the family ....
Technopathies are diseases caused by the use of new technologies. These 3.0 diseases –as they are also called- are associated with the us...
Improve respiratory capacity, reduce stress and anxiety, relieve insomnia, increase self-esteem, strengthen the immune system ... What ...
I'm looking forward to the holidays! It's time to pack your bags and head to the new destination where you can rest and disconnec...
In this article, we make a compilation of tips for proper hand hygiene : how to wash your hands properly, recommendations for the use of ...
In this post, we will see how anxiety is cured, what this disorder is about, and what its causes are. Besides, we will know 6 natural w...
In this article, we will see how to overcome emotional depression without using medications. We will know several useful tips and 5 type...